Number of travelers
To book for more than 8 people, give us a call.
Your Price
$3,345 / person
This package does not include flights to the destination.
Special Requests
Want to customize your trip?
Arrange private transfers?
Tell us the details below, and we'll let you know your options, including prices.
Please only enter requests here that might alter your itinerary, flights, or transfers.
Please don't enter special meal requests here; we'll ask for those separately after you book.
You'll have a chance to enter rooming requests and other comments and requests in just a moment.
We'll get back to you with the price & availabiity for your request(s).
If we can't honor your requests, we will provide you with the best alternatives.
Options & Upgrades
For our intrepid solo travelers, or those wanting their own room, select "single supplement" or "single occupancy" options above.
Traveling solo?
So that we can offer you the best deals, our packages are, like most hotels and cruises, priced based on double occupancy rooms or cabins. We charge solo travelers an extra fee to cover the extra costs of single occupancy rooms or cabins. (Consider: if you booked a $200/night hotel room solo, you would pay the $200 yourself; but if a couple booked the same room, each one would pay only $100.) But you only pay extra for the rooms or cabins, nothing else, including meals, sightseeing, tips, etc.
Why are single rooms more?
When booking online, all rooms or cabins must be the same occupancy type (for example, all double occupancy). If you require multiple rooms with different occupancies, please make separate bookings or call us at 800-450-2822.
Need to book multiple room types?
Total & Deposit
Total does not include the add-on cost of any special requests or flights requested. If you have requested these, we'll prepare a quote, and if you accept it, we'll add the cost to your balance due. An increased deposit may be required.
Deposit to pay today
Balance: pay by 04/28/2026
Pay on your own schedule! Make payments towards your balance due anytime between now and the due date.